Hierarchical Ego At Work: 3 Management Tips To Deal With It

Have you felt unappreciated at work? Or do your superiors only care about their gain and not the betterment of the company as a whole? If so, you may be dealing with a hierarchical ego in the workplace.

The impact of hierarchical ego on corporate culture can be incredibly damaging, often leading to a toxic work environment and poor employee morale.

In this blog post, we will define hierarchical ego, its impact on corporate culture, and how to manage it effectively.

We will discuss key strategies for managing hierarchical ego, the importance of humility in the corporate hierarchy, and strategies for promoting esteem in the workplace.

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash hierarchical ego
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

What is Hierarchical Ego?

Hierarchical ego is the inflated sense of importance and pride that some powerful individuals may display, leading to a toxic work environment. To address it, managers can foster a culture of open communication and collaboration, encourage feedback, and acknowledge the contributions of all team members to reduce hierarchical ego.

The Impact of Hierarchical Ego on Corporate Culture

Hierarchical ego comes with excessive pride and self-importance by people who have power. It is natural human nature to feel that way.

Here is what happens when a person in power exhibits a hierarchical ego. 


  • Create a power-driven and authoritarian work environment.
  • Hinder open communication and collaboration among employees.
  • Promote a top-down decision-making process.
  • Limit employee empowerment and engagement.
  • Lack of innovation and creativity.
  • Leading to low morale and high employee turnover.
  • Create a rigid and inflexible organizational structure.
  • Hamper adaptability and agility in responding to change.

The Psychology Behind Hierarchical Ego

The psychology behind hierarchical ego can be complex, often rooted in deep-seated insecurities or a desire for control.

Individuals who exhibit hierarchical ego may feel threatened by others’ success or competence and resort to power plays to maintain their position of authority.

Check out these research papers for further reading – ResearchGate and Academy of Management.

Let’s explore some strategies to handle hierarchical ego in corporate: 3 ways to manage.

Managing Hierarchical Ego: 3 Management Strategies

  1. Encourage open communication

    Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions, regardless of seniority. It helps to reduce hierarchical ego and promotes collaboration.

  2. Promote feedback

    Encourage regular feedback from managers and team members. It ensures everyone is on the same page and helps identify potential issues before they escalate.

  3. Acknowledge all contributions

    Recognize the contributions of all team members equally. It fosters a sense of belonging, promotes teamwork, and reduces egotistical behavior among those in power.

Businesses can effectively manage hierarchical ego by implementing these three management tips.

The Importance of Humility in Corporate Hierarchy

Effective communication, transparency, and teamwork are essential to building a positive work environment and fighting hierarchical ego in corporate settings. 

CEOs who practice humility can foster positive corporate relationships while emphasizing the importance of admitting mistakes and promoting growth.

How Can Humility Foster Positive Corporate Relationships?

First, what is humility?

Humility is the quality of being humble and having a modest opinion of oneself by not being overly proud or boastful. It involves recognizing and acknowledging one’s limitations and imperfections while showing respect and consideration for others.

Demonstrating humility is crucial for fostering positive relationships within corporate hierarchies.

Leaders can build a culture of trust and respect among team members by breaking down barriers and promoting open communication.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Tenure in Corporate Hierarchy

Benefits of Tenure in Corporate Hierarchy:

  • Stability
  • Institutional knowledge
  • Consistency in decision making

Drawbacks of Tenure in Corporate Hierarchy:

  • Complacency
  • Resistance to change
  • Lack of fresh perspectives

Automation and Its Effects on Corporate Hierarchy

Automation plays a significant role in managing hierarchical ego in corporate settings. Here’s how:

  1. Promotes objectivity: Automation removes human bias and subjective judgments from decision-making processes. It enables data-driven analytics and algorithms, prioritizing facts and results over personal opinions or egos.
  2. Enhances transparency: Automated systems provide transparency in operations, making it easier to track and evaluate performance objectively. This transparency reduces the scope for ego-driven behaviors, as individuals are held accountable based on measurable metrics.
  3. Encourages collaboration: Automation often requires cross-functional collaboration and integration of various departments or teams. This emphasis on teamwork diminishes hierarchical ego, as success is from collective efforts rather than individual achievements.
  4. Facilitates efficient processes: Workflows eliminate bureaucracy. It reduces hierarchical barriers minimizing power struggles and ego-driven behaviors that impede productivity and hinder effective decision-making.
  5. Fosters a learning culture: With automation, employees are encouraged to adapt and learn new skills to work alongside technology. This mindset shift focuses on continuous learning and growth, reducing ego-driven resistance to change and fostering a more open and receptive organizational culture.

Leaders must foster collaboration, innovation, and humility while emphasizing decision-making based on human needs – Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, rather than egoistic goals.

The Importance of Positive Feedback in Corporate Culture

Effective communication of positive feedback in a transparent work environment fosters teamwork and esteem.

Provide specific, timely, genuine feedback enabling team members to feel valued and appreciated.

Managers must develop the mentality of humility in their decision-making process by encouraging open communication among subordinates.

Middle managers must develop new skills beyond those taught in business school to achieve organizational agility.

A CEO’s role involves creating an organizational structure that fosters employee growth, tenure, and transparency.

How to Build a Culture of Esteem in a Hierarchical System?

Fostering a work environment that emphasizes teamwork, transparency, and recognition is essential in building a culture of esteem in a hierarchical system.

Middle managers must encourage subordinates to express their ideas openly without fearing judgment. Leaders must recognize and celebrate the contributions of every team member regularly.

Additionally, decision-making can become more agile by empowering employees with new skills through business school or other training programs.

Ultimately adopting Maslow’s hierarchy of needs mentality instead of the CEO role mentality will promote organizational agility.

The Future of Corporate Hierarchies

Corporate structures are transforming into flatter hierarchies where teamwork and collaboration are crucial.

To keep up with this changing work environment, encourage transparent communication that fosters growth mindsets and emphasizes interactions among colleagues instead of individual decision-making.

Embracing these new skills helps middle managers become better CEOs or business owners.

Companies can achieve employee satisfaction and organizational goals by prioritizing transparency and fostering teamwork in company culture.

How Technology is Changing Corporate Structures?

As workplaces evolve with advancing technology and globalization, businesses must create inclusive leadership structures that value input from all levels of the organization.

Flatter organizational structures with fluid communication channels are becoming more popular with the rise of digital communication tools.

Additionally, automation and AI require new skills and create new roles in the workplace.

These changes require leaders who prioritize teamwork, transparency, humility, decision-making based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs mentality, and agility to adapt quickly to evolving market conditions.

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Conclusion for hierarchical ego

In conclusion, the future of corporate hierarchies lies in embracing a teamwork and collaboration-based approach.

It requires transparent communication that fosters growth mindsets and emphasizes interactions among colleagues.

Businesses must also prioritize adopting new skills through business school or other training programs to keep up with the changing work environment.

Ultimately, leaders prioritizing transparency, teamwork, and agility will thrive in this evolving landscape, promoting organizational success while prioritizing employee satisfaction.

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