Gen Z and Gen Alpha: Priorities and Values Beyond Likes And Follows (New Research)

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Gen Alpha and Z are digital natives who live and breathe technology more than millennials. What’s new is they have priorities and values that go beyond likes and follows. 

The recent research by Statista was eye-opening. 

Let’s find out why in this article.

Gen Z and Gen Alpha Priorities And Values
Gen Z and Gen Alpha Priorities And Values

But first, Do you know the Gen Alpha and Gen Z Characteristics?

Well! The new generations are brimming with surprises, quirks, and awesomeness! 

Gen Alpha and Gen Z exhibit a unique and diverse blend of qualities that make them oh-so-cool. They have their own slang language, and their characteristics will be a perfect match for the dynamic and fast-paced digital world they’re growing up in. 

It’s no wonder they are the most diverse generations yet, bringing fresh challenges and opportunities for marketers and social media platforms alike.

Read more about the Gen Alpha Core Values and Gen Z and Gen Alpha characteristics here.

The Hyperdrive of Digital Natives

Digital natives, the generations who mastered smartphones before tying shoelaces, expertly navigate the digital landscape, leaving older generations envious. 

Gen Z and Gen Alpha’s ability to spot inauthenticity surpasses AI, valuing transparency over mysterious influencers of yesteryears. 

The digital world is their playground, and they dictate the rules with humor that escapes many. Their unique approach to social media platforms and digital campaigns sets them apart, making marketers scratch their heads in amazement.

Read more on how tech is their BFF.

The Research: Conducted by Statista

The illustrious Statista Research Department conducted and published this survey on May 23, 2023.

A whopping 61 percent of 12 to 15-year-olds in the United States voiced that helping people matters to them, while 51 percent emphasized the need to shield individuals from bullying. 

Now, let’s intricately explore the intricacies and insights that this intriguing survey has to offer.

Values, Priorities, and Advocacy in Gen Alpha and Gen Z

Who knew that the younger generations could have such strong opinions? 

With their moral compasses set, they’re ready to change the world! 

It’s impressive to see the young ones on a mission to save the world, advocating for change and prioritizing social responsibility over mere likes on social media platforms.

Statista Research priorities and values
Image Source: Statista Research

Helping Others: A Priority for GenZalpha

With Gen Z and Gen Alpha, helping others is second nature. If they’re around, help is on the way! 

These little heroes may be young but are creating an impact already. The new gen seems to spread kindness like confetti, and helping others is what they do best. 

It’s heartwarming to see how Gen Z and Gen Alpha prioritize lending a hand to those in need, reflecting a broader impact of social media and the digital world on their values.

Stat: 61% of the 12-15 yr olds think helping people is what they like to do.

Gen Alpha's Helping Nature - priorities and values
Gen Alpha’s Helping Nature

Battling Bullying: GenZalpha’s Stand Against Harassment

GenZalpha isn’t backing down – the days of bullies having their way are over. 

With late Gen Z’s protecting Gen Alpha (and sometimes the other way around), they stand up and speak out. Bullying is a big No-No.

Stat: 51% of the survey respondents think bullying will not survive.

Gen Z Voices Against Bullying - priorities and values
Gen Z Voices Against Bullying

Equality Matters: Everyone Treated the Same

Fighting for fairness, one step at a time is Gen Z and Gen Alpha’s specialty. 

They prefer to treat everyone the same with equality and justice. 

We will have to wait and see their unique approach to inclusivity and fairness in the digital age for a broader impact on social issues.

Stat: Again, 51% of the youngsters think equality matters.

Gen Z and Gen Alpha Equality - Priorities and Values
Gen Z and Gen Alpha Equality

Family Ties: What My Family Thinks of Me and Cultural Significance

Redefining family dynamics, Gen Z and Gen Alpha proudly uphold family-focused values. 

With cultural significance at the core, this generation harmonizes tradition with modernity. 

Now, social media platforms serve as tools to drive change, addressing family issues. GenZalpha’s perspective on family reflects their broader impact on society – a generation reshaping norms. 

From Instagram to YouTube, their voices echo, influencing the followers, marketers, and policymakers. 

Stat: 46% think of what their family thinks about them, and 41% think upholding family culture matters.

Gen Z and Gen Alpha Family Relations
Gen Z and Gen Alpha Family Relations

Emotional Well-being: Talking About Feelings and Sharing Views

Feelings take the main stage, and sharing is their caring currency. 

Talking about feelings and emotional well-being becomes a winning combo for Gen Z and Gen Alpha, fostering a safe space amidst the chaos of the digital world. 

Their ability to share views and empathize with others sets them apart. And it is clear from the survey.

Stat: 40% of young people think talking about their feelings is necessary, and 39% believe in sharing views/opinions.

Gen Alpha Emotional Wellbeing
Gen Z and Gen Alpha Emotional Wellbeing

Environmental Consciousness: Caring for the Planet

The planet is already a mess, and we are responsible for this. Gen Z and Gen Alpha recognize this and are willing to become environmental warriors. 

Their commitment to nature and planet care makes them powerful nature warriors, influencing positive change uniquely. 

As environmental superheroes, Gen Z and Gen Alpha are embracing the green movement, championing the cause of caring for the planet. 

Greta Thunberg is the best example for all of us.

With their young age and vibrant enthusiasm, they’re not just followers but leaders, paving the way for a greener future. 

Stat: 36% of the respondents think they care for the planet.

Gen Alpha Caring For The Planet
Gen Z and Gen Alpha Caring For The Planet

A strong sense of identity aligns Gen Z and Gen Alpha youngsters. 

Consider age, peer influence, and digital access, the perfect trifecta. 

Imagine a social media platform where Gen Z and Gen Alpha kids mingle with Gen X and Millennials to discuss emerging tech and new products that align with their needs and political issues. 

It feels different. Right?

Marketers and app developers have caught on to this trend and are creating platforms that cater to this intergenerational interaction based on these priorities and values. This merging of generations brings a unique perspective and allows for a cross-pollination of ideas and experiences.

Generation Z and Gen Alpha focus a lot on their identity. Here’s a stat from the survey.

Stat: 35% of kids prefer to be treated their age, and 32% worry about what others think of them.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why does it feel like things are moving so slowly with Gen Z?

Gen Z’s emphasis on authenticity and transparency can make it feel like things are moving slowly. They take time to research and make informed decisions, so companies need to adapt their messaging accordingly. 

Building relationships and trust with Gen Z takes time, but it leads to long-term loyalty. However, the priorities and values of Gen Z and Gen Alpha are really solid based on this survey.

Will Gen Alpha capitalize on the opportunities that the world is providing them?

With the speed of the generation, yes, they will capitalize on opportunities, but early research suggests that Gen Alpha is more focused on social and environmental issues. Growing up with technology, they will better understand emerging tech.

With these super priorities and values of Gen Alpha, they will surely become great leaders that we are looking forward for.


In conclusion, the research conducted by Statista sheds light on the values and priorities of both Gen Alpha and Gen Z. 

It is clear that these digital natives go beyond the superficial aspects of social media and focus on more meaningful matters. 

They prioritize helping others, taking a stand against bullying, advocating for equality, cherishing family ties, promoting emotional well-being, caring for the environment, and ensuring age-appropriate treatment. 

It’s refreshing to see the younger generations prioritize such issues and make a positive impact on society. 

So, let’s support and encourage their values and nurture their growth. 

After all, they are the future leaders and change-makers.

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